No problem, I can help. Just tell me a little about yourself.
My name is Dawn-Lee McKenzie, and I’m here to help. Born and raised on the East Coast, I left home to attend the University of New Brunswick and never really returned. In university in the mid/late 1980s, I thought I’d come out of my business degree and get a middle management job, climb the corporate ladder, and change the world! Remember 1989? Interest rates were high, computers were entering the workforce and my “perfect future” went up in smoke as the country entered a recession.
In hindsight, this was the start of my resilience and resourcefulness - to keeping the end goal in mind and making a mid-course adjustment.
During one of my university summers “off,” I worked for a national clothing chain, where I was noticed by the head office and offered a position with the buying team in Toronto, so I moved to the Big Smoke!
I was a hayseed in a big city. I made eye contact with people and said hello to strangers, so people were never surprised to learn that I was a Maritimer. Through hard work, the guidance of great mentors, and some luck, I transferred to different buying teams and relocated about every 18 months, which meant physical moves from Toronto to Montreal then to London and back to Toronto.
My position required a lot of travel through North America and Europe--I had a great career, an amazing wardrobe but no life.
Then one day, while skiing at Blue Mountain, I met my now husband who was from Oliphant, on the Bruce Peninsula. I had no idea where that was, but once I discovered it, I was SOLD. Within 18 months, we were married and started our lives together.
A little over a year later, our son was born and I realized that it would probably be a good idea to work outside the family business simply for the interaction with different people but there weren’t any retail buyer positions available. I looked into career testing, which recommends careers based on personality--real estate ranked high on my list so I ran with it and earned my license quite quickly.
I remember the early years when I would strap my son into his car seat, give him a cheese string, a juice box and head out to do a pre-inspection of a property. Now, years later, that little boy is all grown up, the internet has become a wonderful real estate tool and I’ve accumulated years of experience by continually advancing my education, my knowledge and successfully assisting buying and selling clients achieve their goals.
My Next Chapter Process is designed for people like you, who need to take that leap of selling your cottage. But you don’t want to be bogged down with driving up a bunch and showing it to people or constantly running into problems with an agent. You want it to be smooth, easy, and take the stress off your plate. Not add to life’s stressors.
If you're looking to Buy, I can help you too, call/test or email and we'll get started.
Schedule a FREE no-obligation phone call. I will make it my priority to make you a happy client.